by nature

Immerse yourself in a world of health and beauty.

Sustainability as an important part of our product philosophy. We take nature as a role model. It goes without saying that we care deeply about their integrity. The ecological balance of a product, be it in terms of the individual ingredients or the packaging, is very important to us. We therefore prefer solutions that meet both economic and environmental requirements.

We took on a new challenge with a lot of joy and commitment, which brought our brilliant achievement arrivacell to life with a wealth of knowledge and experience.

Edelweiss and Co.


Made in Appenzell

Together we strive for top quality in premium cosmetics. Swifiss achieves the provision of unique premium cosmetics thanks to the specific and long-standing know-how of its employees as well as maintaining the highest quality standards.

We are the top Swiss address for conception, development and production and offer a wide range of versatile facial, body and hair care products based on the latest innovations and industry trends.

day in 2019

With a handshake

It was on an autumn day in 2019 when the current Swifiss managing director Philipp Untersander, accompanied by two fellow investors, came to Urnäsch to visit a company that was in trouble and to save their jobs. A special philosophy should be applied: “We decided with a handshake and without a contract to acquire the company out of bankruptcy.

To this day, we entrepreneurs are united and stick to our philosophy: Mutual respect and appreciation are our pillars on which we lead the company into a successful future," says the Swifiss co-founder and continues: "We started our project with greatest commitment. We were able to turn the Corona crisis around for the better: on the spur of the moment and thanks to the experience of our employees, we immediately switched to disinfectants. During the stabilization phase, we focused for two years on serving existing customers in the best possible way and optimizing processes throughout the entire company. In the third year we managed the turnaround. We are now ready for new future-oriented tasks. This fills us all with pride and gratitude.” The new Swifiss logo visualizes this Handshake.

visioned, cultivated

Premium cosmetics
«Made in Switzerland»

The company, which is dedicated to premium cosmetics “Made in Switzerland”, started with the newly created brand “alpencell”. “We invited three marketing offices to show us how and under what name we could establish our presence in the cosmetics market,” says Philipp Untersander and continues: “One marketing office suggested using the name appencell, a second encouraged us to do so to work regularly with cultural workers and thus visually express the connection between our products and our Alpine world.” She is now doing this with the new name “alpzell” and the Eastern Swiss artist Tom Eisenhut, whose works adorn the new art cosmetics line. “We want to enrich the cosmetics market with innovative products that not only impress with their ingredients, but are also visually outstanding,” emphasizes the CEO of Swifiss AG.

Contact person

Philipp Untersander

Chief Executive Officer

Metin Ceylan

Chief Operating Officer

Sandra Pelizzatti
